Bandhan MF Small Cap Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ICICI Pru Money Mkt Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 100.7097
24-02-2025 100.851
21-02-2025 100.7789
20-02-2025 100.7566
18-02-2025 100.7173
17-02-2025 100.838
14-02-2025 100.7853
13-02-2025 100.7702
12-02-2025 100.7419
11-02-2025 100.7223
10-02-2025 100.8401
07-02-2025 100.806
06-02-2025 100.8056
05-02-2025 100.757
04-02-2025 100.7247
03-02-2025 100.851
31-01-2025 100.7951
30-01-2025 100.777
29-01-2025 100.7535
28-01-2025 100.7229
27-01-2025 100.8266
24-01-2025 100.7644
23-01-2025 100.748
22-01-2025 100.7314
21-01-2025 100.7205
20-01-2025 100.8541
17-01-2025 100.7976
16-01-2025 100.7767
15-01-2025 100.7462
14-01-2025 100.7157
13-01-2025 100.7921
10-01-2025 100.7447
09-01-2025 100.7185
08-01-2025 100.7187
07-01-2025 100.7139
06-01-2025 100.8836
03-01-2025 100.8295
02-01-2025 100.8159
01-01-2025 100.7899
31-12-2024 100.7624
30-12-2024 100.8244
27-12-2024 100.7657
26-12-2024 100.7423
24-12-2024 100.7082
23-12-2024 100.8041
20-12-2024 100.7665
19-12-2024 100.7454
18-12-2024 100.7348
17-12-2024 100.7202
16-12-2024 100.8038
13-12-2024 100.7434
12-12-2024 100.7404
11-12-2024 100.7354
10-12-2024 100.7173
09-12-2024 100.8498
06-12-2024 100.793
05-12-2024 100.7668
04-12-2024 100.7371
03-12-2024 100.7167
02-12-2024 100.837
29-11-2024 100.7769
28-11-2024 100.7552
27-11-2024 100.7384
26-11-2024 100.7194
25-11-2024 100.8287
22-11-2024 100.7723
21-11-2024 100.753
19-11-2024 100.7194
18-11-2024 100.8354
14-11-2024 100.761
13-11-2024 100.7404
12-11-2024 100.7184
11-11-2024 100.8458
08-11-2024 100.7876
07-11-2024 100.7694
06-11-2024 100.747
05-11-2024 100.7256
04-11-2024 100.8452
31-10-2024 100.7644
30-10-2024 100.7385
29-10-2024 100.7194
28-10-2024 100.8299
25-10-2024 100.7741
24-10-2024 100.757
23-10-2024 100.7346
22-10-2024 100.7174
21-10-2024 100.8184
18-10-2024 100.7678
17-10-2024 100.7487
16-10-2024 100.7317
15-10-2024 100.7126
14-10-2024 100.8444
11-10-2024 100.7911
10-10-2024 100.766
09-10-2024 100.7438
08-10-2024 100.7172
07-10-2024 100.8508
04-10-2024 100.7938
03-10-2024 100.7668
01-10-2024 100.7241
30-09-2024 100.8858
27-09-2024 100.7832
26-09-2024 100.7584
25-09-2024 100.7348
24-09-2024 100.7195
23-09-2024 100.8479
20-09-2024 100.7878
19-09-2024 100.7655
17-09-2024 100.7236
16-09-2024 100.8332
13-09-2024 100.777
12-09-2024 100.7509
11-09-2024 100.7356
10-09-2024 100.7164
09-09-2024 100.836
06-09-2024 100.7757
05-09-2024 100.7593
04-09-2024 100.7385
03-09-2024 100.7213
02-09-2024 100.8202
30-08-2024 100.762
29-08-2024 100.7457
28-08-2024 100.731
27-08-2024 100.7113
26-08-2024 100.8505
23-08-2024 100.7971
22-08-2024 100.7768
21-08-2024 100.7545
20-08-2024 100.7278
19-08-2024 100.8259
16-08-2024 100.7655
14-08-2024 100.7267
13-08-2024 100.707
12-08-2024 100.8243
09-08-2024 100.7696
08-08-2024 100.7523
07-08-2024 100.7356
06-08-2024 100.7162
05-08-2024 100.833
02-08-2024 100.7752
01-08-2024 100.7565
31-07-2024 100.7346
30-07-2024 100.7182
29-07-2024 100.8373
26-07-2024 100.7805
25-07-2024 100.7619
24-07-2024 100.7449
23-07-2024 100.7244
22-07-2024 100.8375
19-07-2024 100.7787
18-07-2024 100.7584
16-07-2024 100.7183
15-07-2024 100.8418
12-07-2024 100.7812
11-07-2024 100.7639
10-07-2024 100.7376
09-07-2024 100.7185
08-07-2024 100.8717
05-07-2024 100.8159
04-07-2024 100.7953
03-07-2024 100.7738
02-07-2024 100.7429
01-07-2024 100.8539
28-06-2024 100.7808
27-06-2024 100.7412
26-06-2024 100.725
25-06-2024 100.7141
24-06-2024 100.8219
21-06-2024 100.7673
20-06-2024 100.7456
19-06-2024 100.7219
18-06-2024 100.8725
14-06-2024 100.794
13-06-2024 100.7745
12-06-2024 100.7542
11-06-2024 100.7268
10-06-2024 100.818
07-06-2024 100.7576
06-06-2024 100.7387
05-06-2024 100.7145
04-06-2024 100.699
03-06-2024 100.8436
31-05-2024 100.782
30-05-2024 100.7618
29-05-2024 100.7355
28-05-2024 100.712
27-05-2024 100.812
24-05-2024 100.7592
22-05-2024 100.7196
21-05-2024 100.8676
17-05-2024 100.7785
16-05-2024 100.7636
15-05-2024 100.7468
14-05-2024 100.7264
13-05-2024 100.8188
10-05-2024 100.7578
09-05-2024 100.751
08-05-2024 100.7417
07-05-2024 100.7261
06-05-2024 100.8503
03-05-2024 100.7839
02-05-2024 100.7613
30-04-2024 100.716
29-04-2024 100.7981
26-04-2024 100.763
25-04-2024 100.7449
24-04-2024 100.7355
23-04-2024 100.7335
22-04-2024 100.8102
19-04-2024 100.7572
18-04-2024 100.7483
16-04-2024 100.7216
15-04-2024 100.8647
12-04-2024 100.8119
10-04-2024 100.767
08-04-2024 100.8325
05-04-2024 100.778
04-04-2024 100.745
03-04-2024 100.7102
02-04-2024 100.9804
31-03-2024 100.8983
28-03-2024 100.8414
27-03-2024 100.7041
26-03-2024 100.8552

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